Video Conferencing Definition

Video conferencing is a meeting with two or more participants who are participating from different locations. They use a computer connection, audio, and video to connect. Video conferencing can be used for team meetings, webinars, product demos, job interviews, and more.

The main purpose of video conferencing is to help people connect, regardless of where they're located. For a successful video conference, you need a few tools.

What Equipment Is Needed for Video Conferencing?

Here are some of the most commonly used video conferencing technology:

  • Displays: laptop, desktop monitor, television screen
  • Microphones and cameras: built-in microphones and webcams, USB microphones and webcams
  • Speakers: built-in computer speaker, external speaker, VoIP (voice over IP) conferencing phone
  • Internet Connection: WiFi, ethernet
  • Video Conferencing Software: video conferencing tools and apps
  • Types of Video Conferencing Systems

    Depending on your needs, there are different types of video conferencing systems you can choose from.

  • Telepresence Video Conferencing System: Multiple screens or monitors are used to make everyone feel like they're joining the meeting in-person.
  • Desktop Video Conferencing System: All the conferencing hardware and software is built-in to a computer or laptop.
  • Room-Based Video Conferencing: The video conferencing technology is built-in to the room itself.
  • No matter which type of video conferencing you choose, there are numerous use cases for video conferencing technology. It helps you connect with colleagues, clients, and prospective employees.

    Top Uses for Video Conferencing Technology

    1. Team Meetings

    2. Webinars

    3. Product Demos

    4. One-on-One Training and Support

    5. Job Interviews

    1. Team Meetings

    Tired of being left out, talked over, or misheard during digital meetings? The basic video conference call experience isn't suitable for a productive business meeting environment. One forward-facing camera cannot capture an entire conference room full of people.

    A standard microphone will also fail to produce loud and clear audio on the receiving end of the conversation. Your team's time is too important to have to repeat themselves constantly. The information being discussed in meetings is too important to risk questionable sound quality from generating a misunderstanding. Your remote folks deserve the same experience as your in-office team, so give it to them!

    A 360o video conferencing device with high-resolution cameras and high-quality audio recording equipment can instantly upgrade your team's digital meetings and equalize the playing field for remote and in-person teammates alike.

    2. Webinars

    The entire premise of a webinar requires high-quality visual and audio input. Your viewers are watching because they need the information you have. If your video doesn't support the sharing of HD visuals or doesn't sufficiently capture the room you are in, then your watchers become listeners.

    If your audience wanted to listen to information, they would have just selected a podcast on the topic. Likewise, if your participants can't understand what you are saying, you're restricting your approach towards engaging with your viewers.

    When you take the audio aspect away from your presentation, you enter a vast pool of competing visual and audio-visual content. To provide a complete AV experience to your webinar participants, you need to be equipped with the right set of equipment, or you risk missing out on potential leads or current clients.

    3. Product Demos

    Every aspect of your company is represented in your products. Just think about all of the brainstorming sessions, design work, and manufacturing hours that have been spent to launch your merchandise.

    Now imagine that a sales pitch flopped, and all of that hard work was for naught because you didn't have the proper video conferencing equipment to truly capture the full detail of your product. This scalable solution will also save your business money if virtual demos can replace costly onsite visits (or at least partially replace.)

    4. One-on-One Training and Support

    Whether you're providing onboarding training for a new employee or offering real-time support for a major client, every digital interaction your company conducts can either be choppy and unproductive, or as seamless and efficient as an in-person meeting.

    The difference lies within the video conferencing technology you invest in. Unless you have high-quality video conferencing equipment, your company won't be able to provide a top-notch 24/7, anytime, anywhere communication stream between teams and customers. You will also widen your applicant pool for support representatives by offering remote roles that can be done from anywhere.

    5. Job Interviews

    The typical hiring process can be laborious. Each day you go without your new hire, you're not only missing out on that position's productivity, but you're missing out on the productivity of any interviewers involved in the hiring process.

    High-quality, instant communication solutions, like video conferencing tools and tech, allow both current team members and potential new hires to quickly conduct an efficient yet substantial interview. Companies with remote capabilities hire new talent 33% faster than companies without remote flexibility.

    Not only will remote meetings be convenient, but through the use of video conferencing tech, interviewers will be able to obtain key visual cues from the interview that offer the same insights as an in-person interview.

    Best Video Conferencing Software

    The success of your video conferences depends on high-quality audio and video connections, and picking a video conferencing software is an important decision. Owl Labs' mission is to make teams and remote employees feel more connected (in our case, via our 360° video conferencing camera), and so we must understand which software solutions support our customers best.

    Here is an overview of the best video conferencing software. -,,,,,